Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Next Adventure!!!

I once was told that once you've been to Africa it gets into your blood. After returning from Africa I wasn't so sure that I would be returning there to do work in the same community. I had the desire to return to see my new friends at some point but the longer I'm away the more it pulls at me. I had a dream a few nights ago about the area that I was living and my friends there. Since then I've talked with some friends that I made there and exchanged emails with one of the pastors. It is in my blood!!! While talking with family my step-mother felt like she wanted to sponsor the High School education for my friend daughter. My friends name is Grace and is a single mother of two. Her daughter Bethany is a great student and a promising young lady. There are many more like her!

I have so very much missed my friends at the Naibor orphanage and continue to have a deep desire to help them. I have found the process of trying to get grants a pain. I realize that a huge part of this is due to my own short comings in paperwork and such processes. Maybe as time continues I will become better at this but for the time being it isn't something that I see as a fruitful use of my time. I do have a huge desire to buy land and build a proper orphanage for the kids in Naibor. Some of the other dreams for that land would be a vocational welding school and seamstress school that would also be the center for those businesses. The welding school has already been started and just needs a good home now.

Here's where I need you. We live in an extremely wealthy nation even in these "trying times" we are still so very well off. For example in 2008 we spent around 450 billion dollars during the Christmas season alone!!! We can all afford to give a bit. How about skipping that 5 dollar foofoo coffee drink that you really don't need. You could even just make it at home and save some money that you could help others with. Is a missed foofoo drink really more important than helping some kids who get there water from a muddy river with dead donkeys in it? I realize that giving your money to an individual in this day and age is a scary thing but read through this blog and see where others have invested there money and what it has gone to. Write me and feel free to pick my brain and see what I'm really all about. Together we can really make a difference for 30+ people today and thousands to come.

I look forward to hearing from all of you and embarking on this new journey. This is your open invitation to be a part of something incredible so please join in.