Friday, May 29, 2009

Nairobi Day 3

This is such a different world mixed with beauty and not so much beauty. The vegetation is beautiful! You can walk up to a stranger at a restaurant who is smoking near you and ask them to move and they will gladly move unoffended. They people are kind and hospitable. The men will walk around holding hands with another man who is their good friend. As you can see above the roads are a bit rough. This one is one of the busiest in the city and it has pot holes longer than the car! The driving is crazy but everyone is forgiving in it though they use their horns all the time. The horn is used more as a warning device than anything else.

I'll be here a few more days due to a doctors appointment for one of the orphans on Tuesday and then we'll be heading to Nanyuki. I look forward to getting there so that I can get settled in, meet everybody and get to work. Unfortunately the land for the orphanage is taking longer than expected to go through so that is on hold. Due to economic hardship in the US the funding for the youth camp has been pulled completely and the funders want the 33 acres to be sold. We are hoping that they might change their minds or we can find another supporter to buy it and donate it. We can build the high school, orphanage, medical clinic and vocational school on that property if we can somehow keep.

In the mean time I will have more time to be coming alongside Noah to assist in any way possible with the brick building and John with the welding instruction. My Swahili is very poor but I'll be sitting in on the third grade Swahili classes possibly to help out as soon as I arrive in Nanyuki.

I hope that all of you are well and "walking to the rhythms of His grace". Thank you again for your continued support and prayer.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm in Kenya

We did it saints!!! I'm sitting in Pastor Jerry's flat in Nairobi as I write this. We took a stroll into downtown today where I have already met some great people that I look forward to developing relationships with over the next 3 months.

All of your prayer and financial support made this happen. Less than two weeks ago I had $1200 by the time that I left the US I had $3800!!! It blows me away what faith and Gods love does. Jerry and I will be in Nairobi until Tuesday most likely, I should get to know the city better by the time we leave here. It is so very different here. The people are beautiful but the mannerism are very different. Some of them will do anything for a shilling so you have to be very careful accepting help or entering into conversation with a stranger. The temperature is perfect but a little overcast. Natalie, I had a burrito today with pico de gallo and gauc! The tea is strong! We are next to the Ethiopian embassy and they are partying it up with very loud music that has been going since 11 am.

I'm off to read and take a small nap. Thank you for all of your support. Please keep it up, I can use every bit of it. I'll write again soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I'm sitting in Heathrow airport right now. I can hear a few different languages and tons of accents and it isn't even that busy right now! I had lunch at a delicatessen a block from Paddington square in London today. A Armanian Jew that loves our last president joined me as well as his buddy. They are Kosovo survivors and love Americans. I was offered a place to stay in both Kosovo and London. They bought my tea and I think they were getting ready to offer me their daughters. I tell you what my friends, there is nothing boring about following Jesus!!! More to come soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I realize that "aloha" might seem a little geographically incorrect for this journey but, like "aloha", I am saying hello to one group and goodbye to the other. It's hard to believe but today is my last day in Redding. It's not even a long day! Tomorrow I hop on that jet below and take off for London.

I can't believe that God would give me the opportunity to serve His kingdom like this! The longer that I live the more blessed I realize that I really am. Please keep me in your prayers my friends. I hope to be posting pictures of Nairobi on here by the end of the week. Thank you for all of your support, I can't wait to start showing you the fruits of it.