Sunday, July 19, 2009

7-19 Update

Dear friend’s family and who ever gets these,

Wow!!! How else do you respond to such a blessed life? I can’t tell you how many times a day I find myself in awe of the life that I get to live and the circumstances that I find myself a part of. I could have been writing these for some time but I don’t think that many would be interested in my life in America because there aren’t “exotic” things like here. The truth is that there are still so many moments there that are still as powerful as my moments here. It’s just so easy to get numb to them or see them as trivial when it’s part of your everyday life. There is this movie called The Crow and in it the main character comes back from the dead to avenge the murder of his fiancé. After dying and losing the one that he loves he tells this young girl that nothing in life is trivial. I think that is very true and that there is so much awe and wonder in the experiences that you get to have on a daily basis but we find ourselves “used” to it. It’s an easy place to get to but I urge you to look at it again. Tonight go outside take a deep breath and look at the stars and moon like it is your first time. Or do the same with a loved one. Take everything about them in, see all of the great things about them in a deeper way than ever before. Okay, I’ll get on with the email and telling you about the week.

I’ve told you about her before and I’m going to again because she is amazing! Laura Nell and I have been having so much fun together. She has such a great sense of humor and cooks very well. She made us this spaghetti this week that was fantastic!!! She really has been such a delight to spend time with and I am so thankful for her presence here. I truly find myself surrounded by wonderful people. I am still in awe of the warm hearts that I have encountered here. Noah and his family continue to invite me into there home and their lives. Washington and Helen (the dorm parents for the school) continue to bless me by always having an extra seat and food for me in the evenings. Chirchir and the orphans blow me away their joy, love and openness to me and each other.

We tore down a huge part of the walls on the house that we’ve been building so that we could go back and put up block interior walls and then did a ring of cement around the top of it to make it more stable. Between the two, the walls could take a direct hit by a Sherman tank. I hope that no one try’s to test that…..I take that back. If any one does I want to be the one who gets to drive the tank because that really does sound like a lot of fun. Wouldn’t that be a blast!!! We had some people from England come out to the site and they loved the building and the quality of the blocks. It was very encouraging. The guys doing the work were looking a bit beat up and spirits were a bit low this week so I treated them to lunch and it changed their spirits so much. The lunch for 7 of us cost about $15 and made them feel so appreciated. That is an incredible investment, what a great reminder of the power of just showing people that you do notice what they’re doing and that you appreciate it.

Yesterday I went to a Masai/Catholic/ Baptist wedding. Odd. I bet God gathered up his angels to watch that one for a few good laughs. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. It was pretty awesome to see all of these people with different beliefs gathered together listening to everything in two different languages to celebrate love. It was hot, loud, stinky, dirty and one of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen. I love seeing cultures come together like that and celebrate something so grand. It was over a hundred miles round trip on a motorcycle with a young man on the back over dirt roads. I loved it!!!

Unfortunately there is a nasty cough going around at the orphanage and one of the girls became very sick. I got a call this morning that she has a fever and doing worse. I went out to Naibor to check on her and she was very sick. It hit very hard and very fast. So I brought her to the hospital with one of the older boys. We went to the general hospital and it is chaotic and filthy. We had been there for about an hour and hadn’t moved at all when there was an unusual commotion at one end of the hall. A crowd of people went rushing into a room carrying a man who appeared to have been coming out of a seizure. I looked at Francis the older boy and he told me that was the doctor was the man being carried. I looked back at him and said “We’re leaving.” I called around and found another hospital nearby. We walked in and she received her first injection within 5 minutes. The doctor left Catholic mass to come and check her out and diagnosed her with acute pneumonia. So that is where I am right now. She has been admitted and is in bed right now. There are two nurses and she is the only patient here. This is fantastic!!! All things considered of course.

Here is my last thing to share with you and you’ve already heard it. You keep on reading these so if you don’t like it then it’s your fault at this point. The stars are incredible!!! There was no moon last night or the night before so it is just absolutely amazing out. There it is, I’m done. Thank you again for all of your support. I continue to pray that this reaches you safe and sound. I also pray that these reach into your hearts and stir you up to just let your love ooze out of you even more than you already do. Thank you for taking the time to read these and being a part of this journey with me.

Much Love
Caleb Oshier

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